The Durand Lawyers teamMar 14, 20213 min readWhat Makes Canada so Creative?So, what is it exactly that makes Canada such a hotbed of creativity? Is it our cold winters? Government and private funding for the arts? T
The Durand Lawyers teamMar 5, 20213 min readMVIP - Intellectual PropertyAt Durand Lawyers, our philosophy has always been to promote “law and business together”. But what does that mean, practically? It means...
The Durand Lawyers teamFeb 13, 20214 min readMontrealers, IGLOOFEST, and its Trademark – A Love StoryMontreal has an enviable reputation as one of the top cities for festivals and events in the world. Every year (barring the existence of...
The Durand Lawyers teamFeb 4, 20213 min readRiding the Gravy Train: The Surprising Connection Between Poutine and TrademarksLet’s take a quick step back and examine how a poutine could be distinguished from another, beyond the quality of its parts.
The Durand Lawyers teamDec 2, 20205 min readThe Rise of EV and the Importance of TrademarksA few false starts For many of us, the concept of an electric vehicle (EV) is synonymous with the arrival of the Toyota Prius on the...